Burkhard Mausberg, Earthroots board member and President of the Small Change Fund, recently got in touch with the Toronto Star to speak on last Wednesday's report by Ontario’s auditor general, Bonnie Lysyk, about the Ontario Government's Greenbelt land grab.
The auditor general's report revealed that the government's process for choosing protected Greenbelt land to carve up for “affordable” housing development was heavily influenced by a small group of well-connected developers who now stand to make a huge amount of money, 8.3 billion dollars to be exact.
The process failed to include any environmental, agricultural and financial impacts of the decision. There was also very little involvement from key stakeholders such as experts, the public, and Indigenous communities.
"Our review ... raises serious concerns about the exercises used, the way in which standard information gathering and decision protocols were sidelined and abandoned, and how changes to the Greenbelt were unnecessarily rushed through," Lysyk said at a news conference at Queen's Park on Wednesday.
The fight is far from over. The need to protect and recover Greenbelt lands has intensified and we need your help. Please consider donating to support the Greenbelt today.
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